
Andrew Sisk

Andrew Sisk’s album moves and uplifts your soul. It gets stuck in your head like a fly in a spider’s web; once it’s stuck it’s nearly impossible to get out. I found myself wanting to be in an open green field, dancing in my bare feet, leaving the real world behind. Treelines is being surrounded by nature, under a clear blue sky, birds soaring overhead. It’s being completely at peace, maybe holding hands with someone you love or enjoying total solitude. Sisk’s album is complete and utter happiness. The simple drum beats get your feet tapping while the keyboard and guitar get your body swaying. All the while, Sisk's soft, rusty voice transcends your mind putting you into a trance-like state. The only real downside to the album is that the music is so good it’s hard to listen to the lyrics. Treelines is simplicity in a chaotic world, beauty in a simple existence. ~ Samantha Both

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