A Word or Two with K.V. Johansen

The finalists have recently been announced for the 2012 Sunburst Awards, prizes given to the best of Canadian speculative fiction. Included in the adult category is Blackdog by K.V. Johansen, a sci-fi/fantasy author, journalist, editor and medieval history-phile based in New Brunswick. The Sunburst jury described Blackdog as “everything high fantasy should be: a tale of wars among gods, demons and wizards that also works as an oddly compelling social-cultural coming-of-age novel”. Arts East caught up with Johansen shortly after the shortlist announcements were made. What was the inspiration behind Blackdog? For me, stories usually start off with a character in a situation. The plot and even the whole world grow out of that. Blackdog began with the idea of a man in an alleyway, in a town under attack, being possessed by some sort of demonic dog-spirit. Now there’s no alleyway, and the spirit isn’t a demon (there are demons in this world but they’re nature-spirits and the Blackdog i...