Mr. Big

Mr. Big is the shocking true story of a murder investigation in Newfoundland and Labrador that forever changed the face of the Canadian justice system. Recently we spoke with co-author Colleen Lewis about the work. What inspired you to write Mr. Big? I spent several years at the start of my career in print media - I've always been drawn toward the idea of writing a novel at some point in my career. When I began covering the trial in 2007, it wasn't long before I realized there was much more to the story than could be covered in a two minute story each night. Then my next source of inspiration came in 2013. Jennifer (who had supported her husband throughout the trial) called me with a request for a television interview. She had been going door-to-door with a petition to make sure her ex-husband didn't return to Gander, and she was also afraid of him. At this point, there was a possibility he could be out on bail. When I entered her apartment, I was surrounded by p...