James Mullinger

Award-winning comedian, editor and speaker James Mullinger first turned to stand-up comedy as a way to cope with childhood bullying. “I was a shy kid growing up in England and listened to stand-up comedy as a way to cheer me up,” remembers the 41-year-old. “I watched Frank Skinner, Alan Davies and Eddie Izzard videos over and over. I laughed like a drain and wondered how these people could amble on stage, act so natural and be skilled at making two thousand people laugh, when I was too shy to talk to another kid in my class. Comedy saved my life, but I never thought I could do it.” These fears and insecurities continued into his twenties. However, in 2004 - while on holiday in Saint John, New Brunswick - Mullinger was inspired to the plunge. “I was watching a dinner theatre production with my wife and her family. The performers had us all laughing and dancing and singing. I was very entertained, but completely overcome with profound jealousy. These performers were...