Purple Mike

Purple Mike is a literary taste of the forbidden fruit and false promises of drugs - a taboo journey into the ins and outs of getting high. For teens, teachers, addiction professionals, drug addicts, persons in recovery and avid readers, Purple Mike is a story about drugs and drug addiction in pulp. Recently AE connected with the book ’s Halifax-based author Sindy Mils. What inspired you to write this story? The story chose me instead of the other way around. The inspiration to write Purple Mike stemmed from a general lack of awareness on the subject. School programs are insufficient in dealing with the subject matter. Parents have an inability to address the subject appropriately with their teenagers. And, there seems to be a fear or taboo on generally speaking openly about the subject from adults. Meanwhile, kids learn from their peers and often adopt a gross lack of perception about the risks. Where did the characters come from? Characters came from many yea...