Jason Campbell

Whether plying his trade as a solo artist or with his renowned band Signal Hill, Nova Scotia’s Jason Campbell might be the busiest musician in Atlantic Canada. Recently we spoke with him about his passion for his profession. What is your own background? I was born and raised in Newfoundland. Many generations back my family was Scottish and British. When and why did you start playing music? I've always sang and it wasn't really a conscious decision to be a musician. It's all I've ever done for a living. I'm just naturally driven to be a better player, singer, performer; I wish I could give a better answer. My father was a singer/drummer in bar bands when I was born. Are they the same reasons you do it today? I suppose the difference now is that I have to play to support my family, mortgage, business ventures, etc. I still love it though, I find myself more and more drawn to do things like jazz and solo original projects to sort of push the bounda...