Getting Around the Rock

From the “Newfie Bullet” to the SS Kyle to Amelia Earhart, Getting Around the Rock is a fascinating history of the transportation sector, largely in pre-Confederation Newfoundland and Labrador. These recollections were passed on to author Leonard Lahey by his father, Raymond and his uncle, Bill, who spent their working lives as telegraph operators in the changing times of transportation in the province. Recently we spoke with Lahey about his debut effort. What inspired you to write Getting Around the Rock? The book began many years ago while I was living in South Dildo. My Uncle Bill Lahey and his son Chris had moved there after he retired. Earlier on, I had worked for my Uncle Bill in Gander and Gambo. At that time, he owned a movie theatre called the Crescent, a convenience store in the new Gander town site, vending machines in the airport and warehouses from which he operated a wholesale business. Still, I didn’t really get to know my Uncle Bill u...