Opera Box!

Tickets for this contest are now on sale for $5 at the Capitol Theatre
Box Office, located at 811 Main Street in Moncton.
The winner must be of legal age, however does not need to be present at the time of
the draw to win (Draw date: May 23, 2013). He or she is invited to contact the
Box Office Manager one week prior to the desired performance to order tickets,
which ARE transferable. The estimated value of the prize is: $15,000 (no cash
Tickets for the contest can be purchased at the Capitol Theatre Box
Office (in person or by phone) and all proceeds will be used by the Theatre in
the promotion of all arts disciplines and to present local, regional, national,
and international artists.
The Capitol Theatre is located on Main Street in the heart of Downtown
Moncton and is the community’s premiere state of the art soft-seated theatre.For more information, visit the Capitol Theatre website at www.capitol.nb.ca, or call 506-856-4379, or visit the Capitol Theatre at 811
Main Street, in Moncton.